Structural Competency & Humility
Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) has a student-led Structural Competency Curriculum. The curriculum uses a near-peer facilitation model, training second year medical students to lead conversations on structural topics with groups of first year students.
Introduction to Structural Competency
Psychological Trauma and Structural Violence
Mental Health
Structural Competency: Conceptualizing Mental Health and Psychiatric Disorders
Marr M, Munn A, Stern E, Supinski M. Mental health through a structural competency lens. Peer Reviewed Presentation. OHSU Symposium on Educational Excellence. Portland, OR. 2019 April.
Marr M, Bauer P, Hernandez A, Nesbit R, Speranza R, Supinksi M. Teaching Structural Competency. Peer Reviewed Presentation. OHSU Symposium on Educational Excellence. Portland, OR. 2018 April.
Marr M & Sheridan K. Case-Based Active Learning within the Structural Competency Curriculum: Introducing Students to Psychological Trauma and Structural Violence. Peer Reviewed Presentation. OHSU Symposium on Educational Excellence. Portland, OR. 2017 March.
Rabinowitz MR, Prestidge M, Kautz G, Bohnett MC, Racicot MJA, Beam M, Muller BM, Hedmann M, Hillyer, Josephson R, Lewis B, Stone L, Marr M, Zaman A. Assessment of a peer-taught structural competency course for medical students using a novel survey tool. 2017 North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting; Montreal, Quebec, 2017 November.